Commercial Motor Vehicle Accidents and how they can be prevented

Over the past few years, we have all heard the term supply chain issues, with some of the biggest job losses in the trucking industry we have seen in almost a decade. The Bureau of Labor Statistics data reported in March of 2023 that they saw a decline in over 8,500 jobs in the trucking transportation sector in February. January saw a loss of 6,000 jobs as well. Truckers have always been know to be overworked with being permitted to drive 14 hours per day and only a 10-hour break before they can drive again. It is no wonder that over 28,300 commercial trucking accidents were reported in 2020, which is the newest report.

When out on the road passenger vehicles should always be aware of their surroundings and locating a potential hazard. Here are some warning signs to be aware of in other drivers: lack or no braking, driving at extremely low speeds or excessively high speeds and swerving.

What are the signs of sleep deprivation in truck drivers?

The National Library of Medicine conducted a study of sleep patterns of long-haul truck drivers. The results were staggering. They monitored 80 male truck drivers and two of the drivers had one episode of stage 1 sleep deprovation while driving; while 56 percent of drivers experienced a six-minute period of drowsiness. Most of the drivers only averaged a little over five hours in bed per day with a steady 10-hour day schedule. Studies have also suggested that about 30 to 40 percent of commercial trucking crashes have been a result of sleep deprivation.

What is the required maintenance for a commercial truck?

Truck drivers have rigorous maintenance and checklists they have to go through before they take the big rig out on the road by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. Most of this checklist is usually put on a single driver and the company relies on that driver that they are going through the full checklist before taking the fleet.

How should a driver handle exhaustion?

According to the Apex CDL Institute, drivers should pull off the road immediately if they are having trouble remembering the last few miles, drifting from lane, showing signs of fatigue like yawning or feeling restless and irritable. Some ways to help fight sleep deprivation according to the institute is to take power naps, eat a healthy diet packed with fruits and vitamin-enriched vegetables. It is important to remember to hydrate. Commercial truckers should not try to power through and get the job done, but take their full 10-hour break which most don’t. 

Aloia Roland personal injury attorneys Ty G. Roland, Evan D. Lubell and Jonathan Martin use all this information along with police reports, victim and witness statements to build a case that offers the best legal representation for their clients. Victims of commercial vehicle accidents can learn more by visiting or by calling 239-533-9667.


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